Friday, September 30, 2011

These Boots were made for Walking...

OK, so I haven’t been too impressed by mesh clothing items so far. Mainly because I like my shape and hate adjusting it for anything. Can you imagine how many shapes you are going to need if you have a variety of mesh items? Either that or you spend time every clothes change adjusting your shape. No thanks, not for me at the moment.

So, I can hear you ask, why am I blogging a mesh item? Well, when I finally got round to visiting Slink again and saw their new mesh Tall Leather Thigh Boots I just had to try the demo. On trying the boots on and settling on curvy fit (me, curvy? Omg!) I then returned and purchased the silver ones. They were just a 'must have'. The textures are brilliant, the choice of tall or taller boots divine and the no losing bits of leg when crossing legs a joy, care of mesh.

To show off these sex on heels I chose Nyte'N'Day Stringy Bikini. It has quite a retro feel to it that just matched the boots perfectly, with a 3 strings theme on both bikini bits.

Then I decided that I was too pale to show off both these gorgeous pieces at their best, so I swapped my skin for one of PXL’s Efe skins.

The hair I knew straight away was going to be *X*plosion Hair*s Kayli as the headband allows both colour and shininess changes. So white on high shine became silver.

Then I added [glow]’s NoRound Earrings from a past TDR.

I did walk around inworld a little like this; it felt amazing like I was another avatar. It was great fun.

Back shot shot here, showing crossed legs:


Shape: custom, FuriousDesigns
Skin: [PXL] Efe CopperLips CatEyes
Hair: *X*plosion Hair *Kayli Normal* (Onyx)
Eyes: (Miriel) Eyes - Platinum (Big)
Eyelashes: [ glow ] Clean thick 04
Bikini: Nyte'N'Day - Stringy Bikini - Silver
Boots: Slink Tall Leather Thigh Boots V1.1 Silver (mesh)
Earrings: [ glow ] studio - No round Earrings TDRsil
Make Up: *Fishy* Kokeshi Gloss - Muted
                 Kyoot Makeup - Feline (Basic Black)

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