Sunday, April 3, 2011

New from IVALDE!

Ivalde was one of the first stores that I discovered in my almost 4 years in SL and I'm still a big fan. Neferia Abel was kind enough to drop some items on me, including this lovely, summery Katinka dress, which I am wearing in purple because it goes with my new RFL sneakers from ~Twiple Twouble~ called Relay Hope Sneaks 2011 Ribbons and available outside the store for L$100. in a RFL of SL vendor.

But the BIG news is the new build at Ivalde which will open to the public in less than 2 hours. You'll want to wear YOUR sneakers to get in and see its beauty as well as Nef's new goodies. But that's not all. The ever-generous Nef is offering us 12 ivalde/L`abel gifts in a Treasure Hunt. Well worth your time!

So get on your sneaks and get ready to enjoy:)

Other details:

Adam n Eve Taylor Natural Tone in Gold
Clawtooth Unicorn Hugs in Sunny Days Red
Poses by STaTUS [formerly Gesticulate]

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