Monday, October 26, 2009

Thank You Ginny!

Two years ago today we lost the person behind the SL avatar, Ginny Talamasca. She was known to most of us only as the creator of the Dazzle and then, the Last Call label in SL. I first discovered Last Call through my friend and fellow blogger, Fury Stapleton, who took me to the first big LC sale in June 2007. I was all of 2 months old and still feeling my way. My earliest purchases bear the date of June 4, 2007.

After that, and particularly after I started work next door at ETD, Last Call was where I went for that special dress. It took me a while to appreciate the line she was drawing between chic, elegant and a wee bit edgy and even a tad slutty, but always classy. In the end I "got it."

Left to Right: Ingrid, Bass & Elizabeth (Diva)

In memory of Ginny and her work, which, despite several advances in SL technology, still looks as fabulous as when they were first made, I'm presenting 2 sets of photos. The first is of dresses I blogged before--and, sadly, my first blogpost was at the last sale and my second was from the skin fair this year. The second is of some of my earliest purchases, before the final sale in 2008.

Left to Right: Cameron, Jessica, Kerry, La Muse & Julia

Thank you Ginny -- we miss you always!


Unknown said...

awww... so sweet... and yes, you're totally right, even 2 years after the creation of the last Last Call item, it's still amazing quality.

Catero said...

I've got some *really* old stuff from Ginny dating pre-Last Call into the Dazzle days ... and it STILL looks good. Ginny's fashion niche is one that will never be filled.

Thanks for this post, Samara.

Samara Barzane said...

Thanks for your kind comments folks. I was late to the party, but oh what a party it was!